Expand your possibilities with Sign.UseWise email signature management solution

Today more than ever, nonprofit organizations need modern tools to promote their activities, and missions, gather members or create growth opportunities. 

Nonprofit organizations using Google Workspace for nonprofits already enjoy a plethora of benefits and possibilities offered by that great productivity suite. From user management to collaboration and advertising possibilities  – nonprofits have a set of tools and services that help them to reach their goals and respond to modern challenges.

However, additional tools and solutions are always welcome, especially ones that are complementary to Google Workspace such as Sign.UseWise app. 

Sign.UseWise app is an email signature management service that helps organizations to leverage the true potential of their Gmail email signatures as well as manage the Google Workspace productivity suite.

Learn more about how Sign.UseWise app can help your nonprofit organization to grow.

Branding & information

It is very important to keep your nonprofit’s branding and information in email signatures always correct and up to date. With Sign.UseWise you can easily assign each employee with branded and professional-looking email signatures, that contain your nonprofit data, logo, banners and information. 

Centralized management 

Sign.UseWise enables you to manage email signatures from one place for the entire organization. Create multiple email signatures, assign them to different groups of users, schedule daily sync with Google and reapply email signatures automatically.

Marketing & promotion 

Promote your organization with every email sent – whether it is an event, accomplishment, or webpage that you would like to highlight in your email signatures, you can simply do it by creating a scheduled marketing campaign. 

Add links to social media, call to actions, promotional banners, disclaimers and donation buttons. Don’t miss the chance to use that extra space in email signatures to reach your audience and promote your nonprofit’s activities.

Google Workspace management

Sign.UseWise makes it easy to administer and manage parts of Google Workspace as well. Promote users’ alias addresses to Send As addresses with Sign.UseWise app or enable your users to send emails on behalf of the group with just a few clicks!

The domain health check feature allows you to keep track of your domains – domain registrars’ names, expiration dates, and DNS records that protect your domain reputation and email delivery.

If you are a nonprofit looking for a solution that will meet all these needs, contact us to apply for free access to Sign.UseWise app. Check this blog post for more information on how to apply.